Saturday, July 28, 2012

What a Summer We've Had in Colorado

All in all, Colorado summers are mild. The communities in Teller County have a fair amount of part time residents, ranging from about 30 to 45 per cent  who are only summertime residents.

Suffice it to say, that the snowbirds, as they are called, didn't plan on 20 arson fires in our county alone within the span of one week, two larger fires in Teller and El Paso Counties that evacuated approximately 34000 people in Colorado Springs, Woodland Park, Ute Pass and surrounding areas of Lake George and Florissant (where we live).

Then we had the Movie Theater Shootings. It's been 13 years since Columbine, and it brought all those memories streaming back to us. I've read on Facebook comments of how we just need to get over it. I understand how people from other areas would grow weary of our ongoing problems, but a little empathy, please. We are grieving and dealing with loss of one kind or another. All we ask is to be treated as others would WANT to be treated themselves.

People from my hometown in Arkansas, which, by the way, is the home of notorious Bill Clinton interest, Paula Jones, have called, texted, written, facebooked, etc., etc., wanting to know what the devil is going on in Colorado.

Well, my answer is simple: I HAVE NO EARTHLY IDEA WHAT'S HAPPENING. But I'm ready for it to stop.

The day the fire spilled over the side of Rampart Range into the Mountain Shadows subdivision in Colorado Springs, my chest closed up. I couldn't breathe. The fear was gripping.

We live up in the mountains, but we could see the plumes of black smoke as Colorado Springs west side imploded. From our front porch we watched it everyday. A little part of me died during that fire. I will never forget all I've seen.

I lived in Colorado Springs for 23 years before making the move up Ute Pass. A lot of my friends lost their homes that day. 346 homes gone in only  a matter of minutes.

As a result of all we in Colorado have endured this summer, my book is being dedicated to the ones who saved our homes, our businesses, our lives. The first responders. There is NOTHING we can do but owe them our eternal gratitude.

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